
Webapplications > My kitchen

You need to know what you have in your fridge, but you aren't home? Or you just need a shopping list?

No MYSQL needed, just PHP 4
Tested on a server with:
register_globas = off
safe_mode = on
allow_url_fopen = off

just start with:

You can:
- create/delete your own food
- add/withdraw balance your food
- add to/delete/print a shopping list
- easily make new categories/shelfs (just copy an existing category + image and rename it)


Out Now: My kitchen V.2.0

What has changed? The listing of your food is slightly re-designed in this version is introducing the EAN bar code. If you are running the app through a smart device you can scan the bar code with a bar code scanner (not included, but you take this for e.g. qr-code-reader-and-scanner) and than you can copy the bar code into My Kitchen.